Thursday, December 29

Need I say anymore...see the pic

Given the hardcore fan that I am of the red devils..I had to post this up.

I got the picture courtesy of a fellow B'lal MolMan

And ya Heinz is a sponser of the MUFC.

Hail United

(click to enlarge)

Thursday, December 22

Aaa I am PRATIBA NAITTHANI and you shall respect my Authoratah !!

On reading about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad-Iranian president's new decree on banning western music, I was eagerly waiting to post a seething article about him.

But something stopped me. Well it actually helped me from facing potential embarrassment. If some Iranian would have read my post, he would have mocked and ridiculed me saying "How dare this insolent guy write such comments about my country without mentioning the happenings in his own?"

Iranian Guy 1: "What a guy. Writing about a ban here when he himself can't watch any non "U" rated content on TV in his own because it is BANNED"

Iranian Guy 2: "Ya. Poor sod. He and the whole country now are deprived because some PRATIBA NAITTHANI thinks otherwise and moves the court. And can you believe it, the court actually agreed with her argument"

Iranian Guy 1: "Ya man. I can completely apathise with them. Just who the hell does she think she is ? May be she was banned in her younger days from a show of "Carry on Camping" being screened at some cinema in Bombay and from that point onwards she was deeply traumatised and sought revenge against the word "A" in films"

Iranian Guy 2:" Ha hahahhaha.. Nice one man. Hey I got a DVD of all the carry On series............"

Well the above could have been a conversation between two Iranian doods sitting in some cafe in Teheran if I had posted the article on Mahmoud Ahmaddwhatever.

But then I haven't instead I am writing this :::: WHY WHY WHY ?

Just what is the problem with this lady. Who gives her the authority to decide what should be viewed by the people of the country on their TV's .

As a fellow blogger has rightly pointed out I can no longer watch the extremely well executed carnage from Kill Bill or enjoy the intense scenes from "Apocalypse Now" just because one woman thinks anything with an "A" on it's certificate brings about a huge tear in the moral fabric of the society.

TV guide in the future
Zee ..."movies" -

11:00 pm - Lion King
01:30 am - Dunsten checks in !
03:15 am - Home Alone
05:00 am - Beethoven II

What world is she living in ? I shudder to think that so many people will be deprived of an Usual Suspects or requiem for a dream or a Snatch or the hilarious "Carry On..." etc because they sport an "A"

But then let there be no double standards. Start issuing ratings and certificates to the remix videos and the horrible soaps.

Damn you woman !!

All those who agree please raise your "A"nds

New Look

Ok ok Hold on.. Yeah it's the same page just the look has changed.

For the past two days, my page just was'nt loading. So a friend suggested, try a template change and see.

Well this is the result.

And no, the foot seen above is not mine.


Thursday, December 8

Do we.......... ?

If one were to ask me who my favourite historical figure is, I would immediately say it would be Herr Adolf Hitler.

Ok hold on. Don't start judging me yet. I admire that man a lot but that does not mean I subscribe to his ideals. I found his "Lebensraum" ideology to be ridiculous, his Anti-Semitic views (which I feel are so misplaced and ironic in a way considering he himself was of Jewish origin),his belief that Aryans are the master race very wrong and so on....

I admire him but not blindly. I am very well aware that he was a pathetic painter (rejected from Vienna univ.).I know he had a penchant for surrounding himself with the worst possible type of cronies. I know he is the biggest case for Megalomania. I know he over-glorified himself as a World war I hero though he was but a corporal in it.
But there was something about him that caused the people of Germania to have complete faith in him and follow him in taking that great country to the pinnacle of technological success in those days. It took a special culmination of events and a very generous helping from lady luck to bring about a person like Hitler onto the top.

Whenever the third Reich or the word Nazi is mentioned the first thing that comes into the mind is the ultimate villain: Adolf Hitler. Yes there is absolutely no denying the fact that the orders he gave were horrible. Be it the infamous "Final Solution", or the shoot at sight orders for military and civilian deserters alike and many many more.....But one has to acknowledge the person, his sheer genius, his uncanny intuitive powers which brought about these chain of events in the first place.

He came into power when Germany was reeling from the body blows of the defeat in the first world war. Inflation was at an all time high (Some thousands of ReischMarks for one dollar being the exchange rate).The entire country was trapped in a political paranoia,unable to shake off the imperialistic holdings and reluctant to accept the new political ideologies. Poverty, starvation was a way of life and crime was rampant.The country was humiliated on many fronts. From such a poor state of affairs he brought about a dramatic turn-around for his adopted country. Just by means of his speech he inspired the country and instilled a self confidence beyond measure in the masses.
His careful selection of pagan symbols, brilliantly orchestrated rallies, perfectly timed speeches helped the people realize themselves and brought out the best in them. All of which finally helped in the elevation of the nation or the "fatherland" to a very high level. But having done that megalomania set in and took complete control of him and ruined the proceedings.

What I intend to hint by mentioning the above is whether a need for such a personality exists in today's times. The problems faced are the same (maybe worse) though in different packaging. Too many people are having too many varied opinions (political parties), corruption and crime is rampant, a desire for the betterment of the greater good is missing, the nation is being taken for granted and is being run by idiots barring a select few. Self confidence is lacking etc etc............

We have the potential. We have the capacity. We have the manpower. We have the brains. Do we need an A.H who can encourage the masses, fill them with a sense of national belonging minus the megalomania, the racial views, self-centered behavior to give the right direction ?

Saturday, December 3

Who needs you !! hah....

I have been staring at the screen continuously for the past 10 minutes. Just staring.

Nothing else except making feeble attempts to give the mouse nudges because even the monitor seems to be giving up on me and is bringing on the screensaver.

God I hate my screensaver, but for some imperceptible reason I haven't changed it for the last 2 years.

I am just looking at the monitor. My mind has hung up.
And it has come to my notice that the more I intend to blog the more my mind thinks otherwise.
And all I am left is sighs. I can only wish that these sighs are like the ones the doors of "Heart of Gold" which are programmed to have a sunny disposition. But instead I am starting to feel like Marvin the Paranoid Android.

The above written sentences are finding their way into the blog because I am staring at Hitchhiker's on my shelf.

Search for some sort of inspiration to write is constantly being mowed down by my brain who is holding a huge banner saying "HUDD BE !!"

Speaking of brain, I understand that right handed person has his left brain handling all the movements, then why is it that a right handed person always washes with his left hand.

Well the dinner break hasn't helped matters. The banner saying "HUDD BE" is still on display, its now flood lit.

How many of you people have had an out of body experience (ie when your mind and body are totally out of sync. You feel like there is somebody else in your body who has taken over, and you are thrown out like those Ulhasnagar people).

It just so happened that I accidentally found the improbability factor of the event that my brain will completely desert me for 3-4 hours while doing a Su-Doku.
On completing the Su-Doku I simply arranged the number in a line, and they turned out to be that probability factor. Further things were not helped by the fact that I had a Primavera Lasagna ordered from an Italian restaurant. (Yess the Hitchhiker's is still in front of me)

Talk about luck.

But then hey just check out the amount of stuff I have written. Hoorah the ploy worked.
I distracted moi brain with Die Flerdermaus - Johann Strauss and quietly composed my post.

Who needs brains for blogging. hah !

Casa Bonita Casa Bonita - For food and fun in a friendly atmosphere, Casa Bonita Casa Bonita.......

Saturday, November 5

To baba or not to baba ?

I had this topic on my mind for quite some time now, but for some reason it keeping slipping out of my thoughts when I sat down to blog.

Well not any more because now I have been compelled to think about it, as the very crux, the core of that topic nearly ruined my exam last Sunday. Here I was a good, decent fella on my way to the simulation exam. But when I reached the examination centre, the otherwise silent, trying to be serious place was decked up and decorated like a bride. The whole place was bursting at seams. I thought to myself, well it must be some award function or a annual day gathering which would proceed in an orderly fashion without much ruckus.
How wrong I was !!

What I was witnessing was something which is regularly becoming a part of the daily culture of thousands of "educated", un-educated people. Those staying in Mumbai must have seen a similar gathering somewhere or the other, such is its grasp now.

I knew my exam was practically ruined because given the sheer numbers present over there, their delirious recitations, the excitement the whole gathering was going to get enveloped in the coming hours, the firecrackers etc etc was sure to cross atleast 250 dB. It was a royal F.O to my exam paper.

I am referring to the function organised in the honor of this certain "baba" who is becoming quite a house-hold name owing to his so called "magical touch". The "baba" is quite an educated man himself and now his ever growing followers too are educated people (plenty of them).

Just when our society is coming out of the grasps of superstitions and similar stuff, here comes this self-conferred "blessed man" and amasses huge amount of money, gold, followers doing just what our social workers, social activists have been trying to eradicate : magic and some mumbo-jumbo.

What he has created is a sort of a pseudo-religion, a cult actually which promises people good fortune, luck, prosperity if they say his name everytime they start something new. Their good fortune, prosperity etc is directly proportional to the number of times they pray reciting his name (which conveniently replaces the names of gods and goddesses in our religious texts and hymns)

His followers say "baba" is omnipresent and they are absolutely right. With the huge array of merchandise being marketed by his organization in form of pens, pictures, portraits (those are like Orca huge), those stick-em in your cars photos, pendants, he is seen everywhere. I even saw a female wearing a pendant displaying his photo on her "mangalsutra". Try and beat that.

It is quite a shock for someone who looks to the concept of god or religion not on a spiritual plane but rather on a intellectual plane.
Why has man fabricated this all-knowing, omni-present, supernatural ethereal being called "God". It is the same reason a child calls on to his mother when he suddenly finds himself in the dark and panics, that is to calm him, to give him comfort in times of distress. A sort of a fatherly figure. That is the whole basis of a religion :: To comfort a man, to give him that belief that whatever happens he is not alone and he always will have someone to look after him. It doesn't say that only by preaching the name of god will a person attain prosperity etc. In all the religious books equal weightage has been put on hard work, patience and virtue on part of man to be successful.

However the baba seems to have preyed upon the insecurities, prejudices of the people in garnering support for his movement, asking them just to preach his name (now even his wife's I think) to gain prosperity, good luck and still calls himself a messenger of god.
To an out-sider it looks nothing but a money-laundering business not to a mention and irritating interruption into the lives of the people in whose localities these "functions" occur.
The merchandise itself is very highly priced, pens costing 25 bucks, those small photos costing 30-40 odd rupees, a "hom" costing 500 bucks for a person and 1000 bucks for a couple, etc. If only carrying someone's photo in you pocket brought you good luck. Ha !!

Inspite of all this, there is a positive side to this whole establishment. I have to mention that his followers were among the leading social workers during the recent deluge. A full time ambulance is being run by the organization.

If the whole intent of this "baba" in establishing this organization was to re-invent faith in the people it has a whole new meaning. Afterall faith is a personal thing. If a person believes in something which makes him feel positive and energetic in the right sense, it can be very beneficial to the society and the country on the whole. It is after all a question of a mind set and it should stay in that place ie the mind or "heart" and not manifest itself into material things.

If that is the case then the "baba" should come clean of the "milking" business and set the right kind of value-set for his followers.

If not then these poor people:- the followers are being treated to nothing but some hogwash, a part of which they carry around with everyday on their lapels, pockets etc.

Wednesday, October 19

Wade in the dark !!

I am writing this post with my computer running on the "“inverter"” because there has been a power cut.

Now I know that does not sound like a once in a blue moon phenomenon, rather it has become as common as the roads being dug up now and then.(refer to Wade wants a Tank)

Why there are so many power cuts? or rather as the authorities prefer to call them "“Load Shedding.

I know I am being selfish here, because staying in Mumbai I really cannot complain. The situation on the mainland is quite bad. We Mumbaites are quite buffered from the grim situation the rest of the state is facing.

I rather am very lucky staying in Mumbai because of its industrial and financial status as compared to the rest of the country. This very status gives it the topmost priority when it comes to power distribution.

As far as I know Mumbai draws heavily from Koyna Hydro-electric plant (MSEB), the hydo-electric plants of TaTa Power company situated near Khopoli, the thermal power plant situated in Uran , the Chandrapur thermal power plant etc. All of them are then linked to the Maharashtra State grid, which in turn is part of the western grid-- connecting Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Goa. The grid is fed mainly by generators belonging to the Central Government undertakings-- the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and the Nuclear Power Corporation (NPC).

But still there are power cuts. The reasons for this are of course the war-lock "“population"”, the imbalance of the power supply strategies, lower capacities of the power stations.

The population factor is especially disturbing because of the sheer toll it takes on the whole power distribution network. I had been lucky enough to visit one of the TaTa hydro-electric power plant. They supply power to the western suburbs of Mumbai. During the visit to that state-of-art facility, we were shown some figures to understand the trends of the power consumption and one thing was sure, that the main thing causing a drastic positive increase in the slope of the consumption curve is population.

I guess it is universally agreed all over India that the power supply situation in India is pathetic so no point dwelling in it any more.

Now whoever said the Power sector is very lucrative was not talking about India. Mumbai alone required 2 GW way back in 1998, so one can guess the requirement today. Plus there are always the ever ready politicians ready to screw the power department with their kitty full of underhand techniques.

One gentlemen in particular stands out. During the elections his main electoral vote bank was the agricultural rich, sugar belt of Maharashtra, so he decides to give free power to them.

One can imagine the conversation between him and his technical advisor.

Mr. Gentleman politician: Listen, I want to build another 2-3 resorts plus buy another 200 acres which implies I need to have more money, which in turn implies I need to be in power, which implies I need to win these elections, which implies my vote-bank votes for me, which implies they are happy with me, which implies I need to make them happy.

So give them free power.

Technical Advisor (poor chap, not his fault, wrong place, wrong time , worst kind of boss) : Sir, What are you talking sir ?

Mr. Gentleman politician: You heard it right.

Technical Advisor: Sir, that'’s outrageous sir. This decision means a sucker blow to the power corporations. They will be ruined with this order.

Sir as it is the cost of coal and other utilities is growing. The maintenance costs have turned into a behemoth.

Mr. Gentleman politician: Lets pretend you never said that and I never heard it. Ok?

Of course this plan was put forth into action, but as predicted was withdrawn after a terrible backlash.

Then all round the world in the developing countries it is acknowledged that nuclear power is the best option to handle the growth demand. India too "“was"” destined for the same with a nuclear plan in place which was to use Thorium based reactors to ensure cheap and plenty of power for the national grid.

Whatever happened to that!!

Anyways "“inverter"” battery running low so got to wind up.

One last thing, due to my healthy experience of power cuts, I hereby announce a new Murphy'’s Law.

Maverick'’s law of Power cuts: The most still, humid, damp and stuffy nights always coincides with the nights with power cuts. J

Sunday, October 16

Wade wants a Tank !!

I love driving. There is nothing in this world which can stop me from enjoying driving except the horrible horrible roads in this city.

It's not because its difficult to drive a car on these roads, it is because I can apathise with my car. I can understand the conditions under which it is asked to ferry people around.

Before taking her out of the car-park, I always say this to my car :- " Listen its a war out there. Anything can happen, you may not return, but I will always love you "

It is a very shameful thing that the PWD is not able to maintain even the roads of this city.

The road laying process (tar roads) has a set of rules, technical stuff which has to followed precisely for the road to stand the duration it is supposed to. But due to the rampant sub-contracting going on in the PWD, these rules are hardly followed.

To a common man, it appears to be some sort of a cartel, where in the sub-contractor is given a contract for 5 years, and the choice to rebuild the same road as many times as he wants.
So obviously he cares a damn about the road. His priority is to set new precedents in building the road in the worst possible manner and in the process earn for his next 5-6 generations.

Plus there is no co-ordination between the various departments of the BMC. One department lays down a new road, immediately the other digs it up for some wire-laying. It requires just an iota of common sense to prioritise these tasks, but NO. The BMC is dumb to the core and intends to maintain its status quo.

Tips on how to identify a careless sub-contracter(The nemesis of the common people).

1 : Look out for dog foot prints on the fresh lay-out (this is classic isn't it. This phenomenon is also visible on fresh laid concrete.)

2: Look out for tread marks of some prick who was so impatient that he couldn't wait for the tar to dry.

3: The newly laid road is taller than the nearest ground floor flat (they just keep them piling on and on don't they ?)

4: The sewer covers are not visible, even if they are you can only see the make not the circumference of the lid.

5: Tufts of plastic bags and garbage visible through the fresh laid road.

and so on........

Well officially the western express highway ceases to exist. It was on the verge of total annihilation, 26th of July just gave it a nudge and it fell over the edge. It's that horrible.

The eastern express highway is fighting a losing battle.

Many of the pot-holes on the railway over-bridge near Powai have reached their maximum depth. For a top-view of the passing trains underneath kindly stand near one of the craters.

Saki-naka:: Can't comment. Haven't been able to muster up enough courage to go near it.

If you want to travel without an off-road, jungle experience the point of origin and destination should be located on a concrete stretch of road.

I am planning on buying a Hummer.... No wait an Arjuna tank sounds better.

Friday, October 7

Wade Hungwy !!

It was bound to happen one day. I mean for how long was I going to indulge in the same stuff again and again and time again?

It was time for closure; I knew it was time for moving on. And so I did. I finally mustered up courage to say no to Butter Chicken, Butter Rotis, Kulchas, The vinegar dipped onions, The Veg Kolhapuri, The Subzi Jal Frezie and tried something else.

As it so happened, I decided to have a take away and decided on this new restaurant which had opened up in my neighborhood.

The restaurant prides itself in providing world cuisine. But with such tags there is always the danger of one ending up eating "“Indianised"” world cuisine, one of the pit-falls of globalization (People really don'’t know where to stop). So but obviously there was apprehension ordering the food. As I gazed down the menu card and scanned up the different exotic sounding food names labeled under names like "“Insalate salad"”, "“Fire De Mexico"”, "“Arabic Flavors"” I wondered if these names are just an effort by the hotel management to make the menu card look all stocked up.

The reason is, I have been at the receiving end of such tricks before. Once I tried 2 different sounding Chicken fares named Chicken Rada (Yup, that'’s not a typo it'’s a name) and Chicken Garam. Well not only did they taste the same they wreaked the same havoc on my insides. My stomach still cringes at the sound of the name. Whoa, there......…see it cringed again.

Anyways the Quixotic mood I was in, I ordered the Pomodoro bread, Primavera (lasagna), Fusion (pasta) and Corn Nachos and waited.

The wait was bad. You know I was about to shell 400 bucks on the stuff and during the whole time 1 Murphy'’s Law kept coming to my mind. "“Sow your wild oats and pray for a crop failure on Sunday morning".

Then after 1800 seconds, the food finally appeared. Back home as I was quite eager to undo the packing, and then it happened.

The earthy smell of the basil leaves,tomato puree, the steamy wafts of the noodles and pastas, the salty pull of the grated Mozzarella which had been trapped for many, many minutes beneath the aluminum foil and desperate to do their last earthly duty of promising the patron of a veritable feast just jumped out in response to the sudden thermodynamic changes and tickled the olfactory nerves.

My brain being a creature of habit did what it did naturally and told the salivary glands to do their job overtime.

The Pomodoro was the appetizer. Well it was very good in its job. It essentially was a French bread which took to the oven like its own. The meltingly hot bread was covered with shredded basil leaves, minced garlic, olive oil, melted cheddar all very well done on the coil.

They were so well prepared that when my teeth bit through the bread, none of the ingredients showed any signs of post-partum stress or trauma.

The Corn Nachos too did the job of a side-kick very well. Nice and crispy chips and a good white sauce preparation of the corn.

Good stuff.

Overall. Haute Cuisine. Highly recommended to all staying in Mumbai who dont wish to spend 5 star prices for such items.

Do go ahead and try it out. The restaurant has branches in Mulund, Malad and Marine Lines plus one or two in Delhi too.

One should also try the Lebanese wraps at "“Pritam"” just outside Dadar station. Excellent stuff.

Bon Appetit.

Wednesday, September 7

(Dis)Information ??

I subscribe to a newspaper, which comes with 3 supplements, sometimes 4. All the supplements carry the "horoscope" section. (Not that i believe in horoscopes, but for sake of writing this article lets believe i believe in them)

Anyways one fine thursday morning, i read my horoscope in the main paper, it said : " Take care of health today, especially your stomach. A gastronomic problem is on the charts, could lead to stomach upset."

Then i read the supplement horoscope, it said: "You will be exuding charm today. People will want to comment on you, they will say something like:- I like your smell, I want to be around you" :-) smell,around me ???

I will have a stomach problem today, and people will like my smell and they will want to be near me?? I dont think so !!

This is what i mean by Disinformation. This newspaper has turned into a tabloid. It has a supplement (read as toilet read) which they claim to be a brilliant print article (I too claim to be a Mark Knopfler)
And all it contains is trash.

Note : The next paragraph or two have been dipped in a huge vat of sarcastic liquid and hung up to dry, hence they will be dripping with sarcasm.

The few reasons why i like the supplement :

The supplement has made a huge difference in my life. thanks to all the parties covered in the paper, i have developed a different take on life. The article "Forever Young" has been instrumental in helping me in my concentration. The various articles on the TV stars have built in me lots of self belief.
Also i have recieved tremendous tips in fashion from all the various celebs. Thank You so much BT, you really have made my morning enjoyable and knowledgable.

Thank You.

Well this is only the print medium, the TV media is even worse. Many of the channels go to 24 hrs live even when they dont have the content.
So how to fill the 24 hrs. One option is to repeat the news, but instead they prefer to elongate te time taken to report the news.
They will just chew the news ON and ON till it becomes pulp and the whole point to be reported is lost somewhere. (The ruminating bastards)

When they report on Cricket, the channels get in a ""expert" who is a failed ex cricketer, who is free because no team wants him !!
And they keep on rambling on and on till the next match starts..

Is this what has happened to journalism in this country? In the bid to win over viewers is it right to sensationalise the news. Do responsible newspapers have to resort to "tabloidism" to get in the readership (btw forgot to mention that the paper is currently holding the record for maximum number of spelling mistakes which includes the Editorial also)

Sensible reporting sure has gone down the drain, and replaced by (Dis)Information

Saturday, September 3

What the....? When the....? Where the...? How the....?

The above mentioned title accurately describes the state of my mind this morning.

Here I was, up at my regular time of 9:00 am, a cup of tea in my hand, sitting in front of the TV.
I was casually flicking through the channels when I stopped on NDTV 24/7 and read the headlines " India pledges monetary aid in millions of $ to the survivors of Hurricane Katrina "

What the....? When the....?Where the...?How the....? ...Precisely. I thought this must be some sort of a monster typo but there it was..

The headlines itself was a cruel joke on the Mumbaites.
Is the government run by some brain dead bozos. Or is this some real example of "ass licking"

Please help me out here. On one hand the government can't spare money for the affected of their very own great city ravaged by rains. The very city which powers the economic engine of this country, the very city whose tax returns are more than many of the states combined, and on the other hand they pledge money to the country presided by a primate who is currently engaged in some very serious milking business. Agreed the incident is very sad but WTF.

Whats wrong with these people. The world knows the monkey ruled country is quite capable of handling this disaster. They have enough money stashed in Locker nos IRQ/fooled them/666 and AFGN/stupd/911 to bale them out.

This act of lending monetary support to country which actually does not need it, instead of their own city is beyond my comprehension.

Man I am waiting for the official press release from Mr Natawarlal and the Lungi clad Mr C. (goddamn wear a pant !!)

Seriously WTF !!

Tuesday, August 30

The Captain's Secret diaries...

The following is the work of a bored individual, who accidently had access to the secret diaries of the Indian Captain. The author was having bouts of temp amnesia and multiverse-al hallucinations.As a result of which the dates cannot be verified for, though the content is......

July 27 : Read about the deluge in Mumbai.. I wonder if Bandra has sunk completely.Keeping my fingers crossed.

July 30 : Came back to India from England. Not so good an outing. I wonder why the county teams kept bowliing at my ribs and the leg side. Damn them.

August 4 : Went to Eden Park. Had to get some practice to get back my form (...who am i kidding...)

August 5
: Read about Rahul's show in the final in SriLanka.. hahaha "sucker" The wall.. yeah right... serves him right for passing comments on my running..

August 6 : Finally had time to go to the jeweller to change the threads on my 15 necklaces. they really were wrecked and frayed on the day of the Natwest final.. That reminds me : Gotto change my innerwear too. The whole world saw the brand when i jumped on Kaif.. I wonder how "Hanes" is ??

Note to myself : "Shave armpits if we are on the verge of winning"

August 10 :Took the stuff from England for Kiran M and co for gift wrapping.

August 12 : Landed in Mumbai for the Selection meeting. Gifts dispatched. Darn forgot the one for J.D

August 13: Met Greg "who the hell do you think you are" Chappell. I hate the Aussie accent. Looks like he needs to be worked upon. Well traditionally Kiwis are softer than the Aussies but i feel i can get the job done.

August 14 : Had a nightmare. I dreamt that even Sahara is going to leave me.. phew..Well thankfully thats not going to happen.. they seem to have a knack of putting their money on losers.. Lucky Me..

August 15 : Ho hmmmmm.

August 16 : (morning 7:00 Am) .The big day today. Selection meeting. Time to see if the Chanels' have done the trick. Fingers crossed..

August 17 :Yipppeeee. How you doin Captain...;-) Hoorrraaaahhhhh. .Now who's the man.Rahul...huhnnnnn who's the man. I feel invincible

August 19 : Leaving for Chennai. Sticky...sheesh ..
August 21 : Inflight to Zimbabwe.Taunted Rahul all the way to the Airport
I dont like the new hairy boys... thank god for my "Brady Bunch"

August 22 : Stranded in Bulawayo.Looks like our complacency is rubbing on the Board. Zimbabwe sucks.

August 25 : F@#k you Bond.
New entry in the book of excuses : Blame the board for the loss.
Note to myself : Dont fake anymore injuries. the excuse is too fresh in people's minds.

August 30 : We won. got to agree .i did not see it coming. In state of shock... How did it happen..
Give me novoaine... Enjoy it while it lasts