Friday, October 27

(panting, scared) *Phew...Its just a wild thought..just a wild thought...nothing else...just a wild thought...take control..breathe slowly..*phew

Expressing your feelings, getting them out of your head, through your mouth into other people's ears or free into the ether is very de-stressing.
Blogging helps too, blogging actually helps a lot. Just sign in to or, click new post and vent your feelings through the keyboard, and voila you are already feeling relaxed.

But hey, when I say feelings or emotions, I mean both of them. Positive et Negative.
Then why is that when i move around the Blogosphere, 9 out of 10 blogs I encounter tell sad, rather non-positive tales ?

# 1. Boohooo...My boyfriend is gay
# 2. My boss hates me. Screw that son of a bitch
# 3. My wife's been cheating on me...must have shoulder to cry on else will embrace the Magnum on my table

and so on.....

During all this, everyone seems to forget one of the basic laws of the universe.
Energy cannot be destroyed. Which reads in this context that, all the sad tales, break-up tales etc just don't vanish, they are floating around and burdening Blogger server and will soon spread all over the Internet.

Which means according to my calculations, ;-) taking into consideration all the factors like :
# 1. The number of sob-stories being posted every minute
# 2. The intensity of the sob story on the scale of 1-100( eg the world hates me is 85, my boyfriend or my girlfriend is gay is 62 etc)
# 3. The popularity of the sob-story posting blog.
# 4. The freshness of the reason ( eg. That raccoon always makes indecent gestures at me )etc...

that the Internet is going to severely depressed in another T + 236 months. Now that's real bad news.

I don't want a new message on Orkut, whenever it refuses to load my page reading : " Bad, bad more psychiatric sessions for you"

Nor do I want a new message in my inbox, just after I fire off an e-mail which says:
" From: Mailer Daemon, Topic: Delivery Status Notification, Message: I am so sorry, I just was not in the mood to deliver that happy and cheerful sounding love letter to your girl-friend ;-), it so reminds me of those good old days. I am so sorry, right now all I think is about that large bottle of sleeping pills on the server stand. Sorry again"

Jeez. These sure are frightful thoughts. So people please, lets all get-together and stop the Internet from getting clinically depressed and turn in to Marvin the clinically depressed robot.
Because, we know what clinical depression leads to. *BANG*..No more Internet...No more more porn (*shudder) more more live streaming more wiki..No more Nothing


Sunday, October 8

In Tyler We Trust !

"If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this is useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all who claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think everything you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told you should want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity, you will become a statistic.
You have been warned.......Tyler"